Campbell Law, P.C. Working Remotely During COVID-19 Outbreak

In light of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, Campbell Law, P.C. has made the decision to temporarily close its business office until at least March 29, 2020. Because Campbell Law, P.C. utilizes the latest technology in law firm operations and management, the law firm will remain fully functional and be operated remotely.

In order to reduce the potential exposure and spread of Coronavirus, Campbell Law, P.C. will be immediately implementing the following regulations until at least March 29, 2020:

1) All in person client/prospective client meetings and visitations will be suspended. Instead of in-person meetings teleconferences will be scheduled as needed;

2) If not already reset by the Court, Campbell Law, P.C. will be resetting all Court hearings and/or requesting to attend said hearings via teleconference; and

3) Clients are strongly discouraged from using cash, money orders, cashiers checks, and personal checks to pay for legal services. Debit, Credit, PayPal, and QuickPay are the preferred payment methods. To encourage payment via the preferred payment methods, Campbell Law, P.C. will be temporarily waiving all transaction fees that are normally imposed for Debit/Credit payments.

Lastly, Campbell Law, P.C. would like to remind all clients and prospective clients that even though our office remains fully functional, the same may not be true for government offices and other business entities that we work with on a regular basis. As such, we appreciate in advance your patience as we navigate through these uncharted times and strive to provide each of our clients with the highest level of legal representation.

- Campbell Law, P.C.